Friday 10 February 2012

MBA Subjects

Melbourne Business School


In the first two terms of the MBA program (core component) students move together through the essential managerial disciplines. Classes in the core component of the program will be offered between 8.00am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Unless granted a substitution or credit, students are required to complete the core subjects of the MBA as outlined in the program structure.

Core subjects

The World of Management (integrated)

The World of Management is an intensive course which introduces students to some of the central ideas and approaches to understanding management and developing managerial skills. The subject will provide an overview of management and a set of tools for students to enable them to manage themselves through the MBA program and improve their effectiveness at work.
The subject emphasises four aspects: personal development, perspectives, periods and processes. The personal development section will enable students to build on their personal management and interpersonal skills. The second aspect explores the various perspectives that are taken in understanding management issues. Different disciplines such as finance, marketing and human resources often take different approaches to analysing issues. Also, stakeholders in the community have varying views about management and their actions and the subject raises these perspectives and provides avenues for integrating them. The third aspect is concerned with how management has been viewed at different periods in time, and how some of the original management models have been built on to improve management understanding, while others have been discarded as fads. The fourth aspect will emphasise learning processes and help students look at different ways of gathering and analysing data, making decisions and deriving the most benefit from these different approaches.

Accounting for Managers

Accounting plays a dual role in an organisation: it provides relevant information to both external users (financial accounting) and internal users (management or cost accounting) to assist them in decision making. The course aims to provide an understanding of both of these roles and the interface between them. The financial accounting part of the course will cover the elements of the traditional accounting system, the measurement of profit, the valuation of assets and liabilities, the elements of owner’s equity, the estimates and choices inherent in modern accounting treatments, and an introduction to the use of financial accounting information in measuring the performance and financial strength of an organisation. The management accounting elements of the subject will deal with the internal planning and control function, the nature of costs and their behaviour, cost-volume-profit relationships, the behavioural aspects of management accounting, and an introduction to costing systems and budgeting.

Managing People for High Performance

To help people perform well at work, managers need a sound understanding of why individuals behave the ways they do and how people behave in groups. This subject uses the discipline of organisational behaviour to provide insights into individual personality differences, what motivates people to work, what factors produce job satisfaction, and why people in organisations have difficulty in communication. Students explore the critical factors involved in organisational change, the bases of leadership and power, and how work-based groups affect individual and organisational effectiveness.


The Marketing subject focuses on the challenges management faces in developing and implementing a successful marketing program. The importance of marketing arises from its role as the boundary function between the organisation and the marketplace. Changes in the market require changes from the company. Similarly, changes made by the company create changes in the market.
This subject takes a strategic approach to creating a competitive advantage through marketing. It seeks to familiarise students with the challenges of marketing analysis, planning and implementation in a variety of settings. It also seeks to demonstrate the role of marketing, and marketing thought in other areas of business activity, particularly in more general business strategy.

Data and Decisions

Many decisions require analysis of data. This subject covers the use of statistics and graphs, the fundamentals of probability and risk, and decision-making tools and models such as regression analysis. The subject is focused on applications and decision-making rather than being oriented towards theory.

Managerial Economics

This subject is an introduction to the core concepts in economics that are of particular use in managerial and strategic decision making. A particular focus is how competition forces drive pricing outcomes and how these impact competitive strategy. Students are also taught skills for analysing the long-term impacts of pricing and non-price strategies.

Economics and Public Policy

Government policies impact on managerial decisions and, in particular, investment choices on a daily basis. In order to predict and perhaps modify such policy, managers need to understand the debate and tradeoffs that governments face. In the areas of international trade, taxation, the natural environment, regulation and competition policy, these tradeoffs are fundamentally economic in nature. This subject teaches students how to evaluate and deal with such economic policies.

Managing Processes

In a dynamic, competitive world, a firm’s effectiveness depends significantly on how well its resources are managed. Managing a firm’s critical performance dimensions – cost, quality, speed, flexibility, and innovation – requires a thorough understanding of both the physical and information processes that are required for developing and manufacturing products and delivering them to the customers. This subject aims to provide the fundamentals that are essential for all students to improve their understanding of management of operations. It focuses on managerial tools for understanding the processes, and prepares managers to use the results of analysis to constantly improve the firm’s operational performance.

Financial Management

This is an introduction to financial management and modern corporate finance. Students will gain a basic knowledge of discounting and interest rate mathematics, capital budgeting, portfolio diversification, and capital structure decisions. Students will acquire an understanding of the scope and content of the field of business finance.

Business Strategy

Upon completion of this subject, students should understand the foundations of strategic management and its evolution to current business strategy. The value of game-theoretic reasoning in solving business strategy problems will be explored in detail. Through the case-based format, students will be able to apply this strategic reasoning in a wide domain of managerial decision making in a variety of industries.


In the elective part of the program students may choose subjects to meet their own needs from a wide range of elective subjects. Students can choose to concentrate their MBA in a particular area (say finance or marketing) or keep the focus of their MBA deliberately broad. While classes are scheduled between the weekday hours of 8.00am and 5.30pm, some elective subjects are taught on weekday evenings or on weekends.
Elective subjects are available in the following disciplines:
  • Marketing
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Strategy, Competition and Governance
  • Organisations, Human Resources and Managerial Development
  • Technology and Operations Management
  • International Business Management
  • Public Sector Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation

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